Endy Edeson has published his first eBook on Web Design titled "Website Design with WordPress". The book was Published on February 2, 2025. Website Design With WordPress is a complete guide to anyone who wants to get started in Website Design and Tech Ecosystem. It discusses the main topics of WordPress. After reading this e-book, you will learn how to Design websites with WordPress and start making money.
The e-book also covers overview of other Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Wix, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla and Dreamweaver.
Also inside this e-book: Website Hosting, Website Coding, Domain Name, SSL, Webmail, Backup, SEO, SaaS, Backup, Data Centers, Jobs, Monetization, Tech Hubs, Tech Gurus, Freelancing, Digital Marketing, Data Recovery, Android App Publishing, Etc.
Endy Edeson is a well known Nigerian Website Designer, Blogger, ICT Instructor , eBook author, CAC Company Registration Consultant, International Passport Application Consultant, Digital Marketer, Online Documentary Producer, and Professional Freelancer.