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Monday, November 17, 2014

SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS: Facebook To Launch New Platform Called , ‘Facebook For Work’

As if you don’t spend enough time on Facebook, especially at work (am I right?), the social giant is reportedly looking at broadening their horizons once more with the launch of an entirely new platform called ‘Facebook for Work.’ The new platform is basically exactly as the name says: it’s Facebook, but for work purposes. Facebook for Work will essentially compete with other work-focused social networks like LinkedIn.

According to a report by the Financial Times, ‘sources close to the matter’ has revealed that Zuckerberg and his minions are trying to break into a market that they have yet to enter.
They’ve got the messaging part down now, after their record-breaking acquisition of WhatsApp and the recent launch of their own, stand-alone Messenger app (which the company says has more than 500 million monthly active users) so it’s only natural that they would be looking at other avenues to generate even more revenue. 
According to the report by the Financial Times, the new platform will allow users to chat with their colleagues, work together on various documents and connect with some of their professional contacts on the platform.
Facebook for Work will apparently also incorporate familiar Facebook features including a Newsfeed, messaging service and groups – which will allow for meeting-style chats.
The shared documents feature is, as we know, a very useful tool in many a office environment. This feature will most likely operate much like Google’s popular Drive and shared documents functionality that allows different people to work on the same document in the cloud.
Obviously, Facebook for Work will then also become a competitor for the likes of Google and Microsoft, who already have work-based (or so-called ‘enterprise’) tools.
Facebook at Work will be entirely separate from your current, personal Facebook account. You will have to set up an entirely new profile – which is not a bad thing, of course, as you won’t have to worry about your ‘girls night out’ pictures being shared with your entire office.
Apparently, an early pilot program for the new platform is being tested already in London.
And as you would expect, Facebook has declined to comment on these reports. However, we’re sure that they will release a statement eventually.
Facebook at Work could potentially become a very useful tool for office use. Also, you will be free to browse Facebook to you’re heart’s content without having to quickly switch to another tab when your boss is around.



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